Saturday, October 30, 2010

222 : Carved pumpkin

Thought a jack-o-lantern (in progress) would make for an appropriate post today. This will be the last shot for awhile since I'll be on vacation next week (yay!) Although Daylight Saving Time will end on November 7, I will not have returned by then. But I will post vacation photos once I get back, so I suppose the end of this project will just be delayed a week... starting now.

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 29, 2010

221 : Droopy starred sunflower

Wanted to get one more shot of this sunflower before this project ends... really think the seeds are neat, and the petals have some great color.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

220 : Small blooming sunflower

While the bigger sunflowers seem to be dying off, it seems like the smaller ones are doing alright... guess they're just late bloomers. Love the yellow against the green in this one.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

219 : Light lily in corner [past]

Not sure why this one never got put up, as I really like it. Maybe had put up a lily shot the day before getting this shot or something, but it's perfect for a day like today! Love the pink and yellow against the gray of the sidewalk. Love the texture and shape of the curl in the center.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

218 : Long petalled sunflower [past]

It was too dark by the time I got home to shoot, so had to pull one from a couple weeks ago. This sunflower seemed to have long, drooppy petals, like a dog with long ears. Really like all the light and shadow on the petals, and the bits of green speckled in between. Glad I got the center of the sunflower in focus... can even see the individual seeds.

Monday, October 25, 2010

217 : Wet red sunflower petals

Kind of gray out this evening, but got a neat shot I think of this water drop hanging onto this sunflower petal. Love the heavy reds against the slate backdrop.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

216 : Standing squirrel on fence

Hmmm, I guess there's technically no fence in this shot, but I know this shot was taken with him on the fence, so I guess the title will stand. It was actually pretty breezy out when I got this shot, and you can see the hair on the back of the squirrel's head blowing up a bit. Love how the backdrop turned out with the diagonal white stripe from the neighbor's house.