Wednesday, March 31, 2010

013 : Tulip bud on yellow

Looks like I've finally got another flower to shoot. Here's the first tulip to pop up, and managed to get a bit of sun and shoot it against the Creeping Jenny alongs the ground. Love the colors in this one, including the green of the tulip stalks and the couple blades of bluegrass at the bottom.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

012 : Daffodil in stalks

Just like the colors in this one... think the stems have a nice blue hue to them. Not sure what I'd do if this short daffodil wasn't around... seems like I've used it in a handful of shots already.

Monday, March 29, 2010

011 : Dead daffodils on wet green

Pretty rainy here, so didn't venture far from the front door. Managed to get this shot of what is left of this daffodil plant. Thought the yellow looked sharp against the green, even though it was pretty gray out. Love the raindrops on the blue stem of the daffodil.

On a side note, I haven't forgotten about uploading a bunch of photos from my trip, just haven't quite gotten around to it yet...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

010 : Leaf against fallen camellia

Saw this little plant popping up out of the ground with a fallen camellia bud behind it and thought it made for a nice shot. Love the wavy greens against the pink backdrop.

Also, please note that there won't be a new post up until Sunday or Monday since I will be out-of-state for my grandfather's memorial in California... I do hope to get some good shots down there like I did a couple years ago during my grandmother's memorial. I'll post them Monday (if not Sunday) for all to see. Until then!

Monday, March 22, 2010

009 : Daffodil from behind

A bit overcast out, so stuck to the front yard. Just liked how this daffodil looked from the back against some dark green stalks.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

008 : Water droplets on camellia and leaf

I think this is my first really good shot of the year... love how bright the colors turned out on this one, and was really lucky to find some sun break through on a mostly rainy day. Was relieved to see how crisp the foreground was... sometimes when I get this close it can soften a bit, but not on this one!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

007: Camellia on blue

The only other thing blooming around the house are the camellias, but they're always in shade by the time I get home. Just love how bright they are when the sun hits them, especially against a clear blue sky... feels like Spring is finally here!

006 : Decaying daffodil

Wanted to get a photo of this daffodil before it's gone.. not sure why this one seems so beat up already, but think it adds some neat color and texture.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

005 : Dark pointy sihlouette

I wasn't able to get a shot until sunset (dead battery) but in the end I suppose it's a nice change from the daffodils. Just caught this little leafy bloom against the borwn and blue sky, with some added twigs in the backdrop.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

004 : Twin daffodils by stems

Someday I will shoot something other than daffodils... but today is not that day...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

003 : Daffodil on green

Got home a bit late tonight, but it was overcast (again!) so I guess it really didn't matter. Doesn't seems like there's much to shoot without blue sky or sun other than the always available daffodils...

Monday, March 15, 2010

002 : Daffodil bud amongst stalks

Another overcast day (doh!) but just light enough to get a decent shot. Just liked how this bloom seemed to be hiding amongst the daffodil stems... just a blip of yellow in a stream of green.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

001 : Daffodil on daffodils

Hard to believe it's already time to get this started again! Seems like the daffodils have been up here for over a month now... seems pretty early, but it was nice to finally go out and get a few shots of them. Just liked how this one stood out from the others, facing a different direction, with the backs of the other 3 as a yellow backdrop.