Wednesday, June 30, 2010

103 : Glowing rose

Think the colors turned out pretty interesting on this shot... especially the blue/white of the background. Think the little spot of light on the rose turned out interesting too, although guess it wasn't enough light to keep the shaded parts of the rose from 'glowing' a little bit. All in all thought I think it's something a little bit different.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

102 : Backside of magenta flower

Really liked how the nasturtium shot turned out the other day, so thought I'd try to see how some other blooms might turn out if shot from a different angle than from the front. Was really surprised on this one to see how different the color was on this side with the sunlight passing through it. Whereas it's a dark shade of purple/magenta on the top side (where the petal curls over on its edges), it's this almost translucent color from the backside with the sun coming though... thought it made for a great shot with the green backdrop and the little green petal extenders on each petal.

Monday, June 28, 2010

101 : Rose with twirly leaves

Had some decent sun when I went out back to shoot the roses. Just really like the colors on this one, and was pretty pleased with the framing. Thought the little twirly leaves added an interesting shape (and color) into the mix.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

100 : Bright orange nasturtium from behind

Just love the colors on this flower, and thought the rock made for an interesting backdrop (hence why I shot the bloom from behind). Sure glad it's been sunny these past few days... sure makes these shots pop!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

099 : Sparkling day lilies

I'm not sure I've gotten a shot of the yellow day lilies yet this year (maybe one?) but really like how this one turned out. When the sun hits them just right the petals seem to glitter a bit. Love the little purple highlights form the little flowers next to the lilies.

Friday, June 25, 2010

098 : Deep magenta cosmos

This is the same flower that I shot a couple days ago when it was just a bud... can't believe it bloomed into this big ol' flower so quickly! Love that color with the yellow center, and it's unusual stem/leaf structure makes for an interesting backdrop!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

097 : Orange poofy plant

This guy seemed to appear out of nowhere along our front walkway. Just really love the orange against the green of the grass. I love all the variety of plants this time of year... sure makes for some colorful shots!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

096 : Purple bud on green

Found this little bud out front and thought it looked nice in front of the lucifer leaves. This is the same type of flower that I shot a week or so ago looking straight down (Jill says it's a Cosmos) so it'll be fun to shoot it once it blooms.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

095 : Fuchsia on gray

I wanted to get a shot of the fuchsia at lunch since I really haven't gotten many (just one?) of them this year. It was almost too sunny, as most of the shots turned out a bit overexposed (too much white!) but this one turned out pretty solid, even if it did turn out a bit plain. I hope to get a better shot of them in the near future...

Monday, June 21, 2010

094 : Tiger lily batch

There are so many tiger lilies popping up now that it's tough to even see the green underneath them in some spots, but I think it makes for a neat photo! Nothing wrong with a sea of orange!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

093 : Tiny spider on calla lily

I actually didn't see the spider the first couple shots I took. I was trying to get the lip of the flower in focus, and saw him crawl around the underside of the lip. Really like how the colors turned out on the front of the calla lily, especially since it wasn't very light outside. Like the pink of the background as well (from the bell flowers.)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

092 : Orange lily with puddle

Rained again today... when it does rain the orange lilies that are facing straight up get a little ring of water gathered in their centers... it's neat when the sun comes out afterwards and makes a little ring of light where it reflects of the water... think the green from the lily's leaves turned out pretty interesting as well.

Friday, June 18, 2010

091 : Yellow rose on orange

Not sure if this rose is part of the same plant that produced the peach rose, but this one definitely had more of a yellow hue to it... thought it made for an interesting shot with the peach rose from a few days back in the backdrop. Hope to have some more sun this weekend!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

090 : Pink flower, yellow center

Normally I don't end up with the subject directly in the center, but really liked all the grass and stems poking around making up the green backdrop... almost looks like it's spinning. Also liked how all the petals come out from the center with the two-toned look they have.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

089 : Side of tiger lily

Wet again, but the sun did poke out from time to time. Thought I'd go back to the tiger lilies again since the sun was out, and was glad I did. Love how the oranges and greens turned out on this one. Really need to get the tripod out on a consistently sunny day and try and get some more focus depth on some of these shots.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

088 : Tiger lily with drops

Really like how this one turned out. It rained a fair bit today, but was sunny by the time I got home. Liked the raindrops on the pedal, and liked the two different tones of the lilies, one in light and one in shadow. Like the little but in the lower right to add a touch of green.

Monday, June 14, 2010

087 : Bright peach rose

Since I took the shot of this rose last week in the rain, I've wanted to come back and get a shot of it under the sunlight. Wanted to get as close as I could and get the whole frame full of the peach petals... think it turned out pretty interesting.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

086 : White and magenta rose

It doesn't seem like there's many of these roses left that still look healthy, so thought I should get a shot before they're gone! Love the added pinch of yellow from its center. Hope some red roses come in since those are always fun to shoot along with the peach ones...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

085 : Calla lily with white stamen

Noticed this white substance on the stamen (pistol?) of the flower... not sure what it was, but thought it made for an interesting contrast with the colors of the flower. Hope tomorrow is as nice out as it was today!

Friday, June 11, 2010

084 : Tiger lily on gray

A bit of sun this afternoon, so went back to the tiger lilies. There's a few more that have bloomed since earlier in the week, so I shot this one which was hanging out over the sidewalk. Love how the shaded sidewalk turns into a moody gray... sure looks nice against the bright orange.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

083 : Peach rose

I don't normally take requests on my photos, but since it was Jill's birthday I made an exception... she asked for the peach rose, and I did the best I could under the rainy conditions. Hopefully I can get back out to the back yard again when it's (hopefully) sunny this weekend.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

082 : Calla lily side

Had a bit of sun today (on and off) but managed to get some shots of the calla lily. As cool as I think the top of the flower looks, I think there's some interesting color variations along its side as well, so thought I'd get some shots of that. Really think the backdrop turned out interesting as well.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

081 : Tiger lilies are back!

Went home for lunch and saw this guy out front! Just love how vibrant it turned out thanks to a little sunshine! Hope to see a bunch more lilies in the near future!

Monday, June 7, 2010

080 : White rose with hints of pink

Saw this rose against the shadowed paneling of our house, and loved the hint of pink being the only color in the shot. The sun was just right in that there was just enough light to keep this shot bright.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

079 : Icing bloom

I'm not really sure what kind of bloom this is, but it reminds me of a flower made of icing on a cake. Wish the sun had been out a bit to help bring out the colors, so hopefully next time I'll come back on a brighter day. This is from one of Jill's hanging baskets, and right now it's temporarily hanging from our shed, so who knows where it will end up!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

078 : Light purple bloom

Not really sure what these are, but thought they looked great in the sun against the green of the backdrop. Thought this one about ready to bloom looked interesting too in it's own way.

Friday, June 4, 2010

077 : Angled calla lily

Finally found a tiny break in the clouds (literally a minute) to go out and get a few shots of the calla lily. It was just enough time though... the sunlight sure helps those oranges and green pop!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

076 : Wet speckled roses

More rain. But at least there's some roses up out back. It was still coming down, so didn't spend too long outside!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

075 : Pink bell bloom and green stalk

Pretty dreary again. I've been having to use the reduced shutter speed to keep these images sharp in the low light, so it may be a bit dark, but at least it's clear and not grainy. Actually think this one turned out fairly well... the one pink bloom seems to pop pretty well, and think the green leaf makes for an interesting shape spanning across the frame.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

074 : Darkened day lily stalks

More rain. Can't believe it's June. And looks like it's not letting up anytime soon. Hopefully it'll just not be raining so I can at least get outside. Had to drop the exposure just to get a crisp shot.