Not a lot of sun to work with today, so had to keep the shutter speed low. It led to this darker than normal shot, but think it turned out pretty interesting nonetheless. Hopefully it'll stop raining by tomorrow!
Love all the colors in this one... the pink and purples, the green (and greenish-yellow) backdrop, and the hint of yellow from the bloom. A little gray out today, so I was glad the colors stayed pretty vibrant.
Love how the sun cast the shadows of the little purple flowers onto this lucifer stalk. The texture turned out great, and the shadows prove to be pretty interesting as well!
Came across this bloom and thought it was pretty interesting... first off, seems like there's more cosmos fading away than blooming. Secondly, it only had three petals out, all on one side. Love how deep the shadow turned out on the right petal.
I liked how the white snapdragon shot turned out a few days ago, so thought I'd try and get one of the colored ones into a shot (we also have red ones and yellow ones.) Just really like the orange and yellow against the green, and how everything seems to be going parallel to a 45 degree angle, including the backdrop.
I was actually shooting this plant when just bee just landed on it. Got a couple of it before it left, and was glad to see this one had turned out so crisp... love the little guy's antennae against the pink petals.
Since the white cosmo shot I took a while back, I thought I'd try and shoot another white flower. The white snapdragon sits kind of by itself, so didn't much choice of background color, but think it turned out pretty nice nonetheless.
I don't think I've posted one of these little purple flowers yet... love the bright lavender and yellow, especially against a bright green backdrop. Really like how the rest of the plant was shaded.
There's not many lilies left, but did manage to get a shot of this one against a clear skyline. Love the texture on the curling left petal, and enjoy the range of color in this from the pale yellows and pinks of the flower to the bright blue and green of the backdrop.
This big patterned leaf is finally making its way out in the front yard. Seems like it got a later start than most of the other blooms in the yard, but guess this just means I'll have something to look forward to in September (other than the sunflowers!) Love the color on the edge, and the neat texture of the leaf.
Just one red lily left, but actually helped me get this shot... it's a lot easier getting a clear shot without any other blooms around. Had to get on my belly for this one, but I think it was worth it!
Wanted t get a good shot of the gayfeather while they're still up... just love all the little petals that wind out in all sorts of directions. Thought the cosmo in the back added some interesting color.
Really thought this bloom looked pretty interesting from behind, especially with the cool backdrop. Love the variations of color mixed with the variations of the light and shadows.
Seems like I shoot the magenta cosmos a lot due to their awesome color, but this today I thought I'd try and get a nice one of one of the white cosmos. Sure makes for a much more mellow and toned down shot. And I'm glad the petals didn't turn out overexposed!
Guess I've been on a bit of a lily kick lately, but I'm just worried they won't be around much longer, especially in this heat! Just love all the colors the red lilies have to offer against the green stems.
Love the texture of the right petal, and really think the background turned out pretty interesting... lots of colors, but the top half made for a nice neutral space for the light lily.
There's not a lot of orange flowers out front, so it's nice when I'm able to work them into a shot, especially a bright one such as this. Just love how vivid this shot turned out... too bad I couldn't have worked a little more green in there...
Got this shot at lunch, and really love how bright the colors turned out. Can't recall off hand what that center yellow/green stripe of color is, but it really made this shot... it especially helped bring out the stem. Think it's interesting that some of the cosmos seem to have some white creeping in around the edges of their petals... guess they won't be around much longer!
Seems like most of the lilies are around this state about now... but even in this more they're still plenty photo-worthy. This one still had some color along with the interesting texture and shape, and love that curling petal on the right.
No direct sun out today, but plenty of light through the clouds. Took a handful of shots of the lilies out front, and this one turned out to be my favorite. Love the yellow against the dark gray (and hints of green) and think the detail on the stamen and the back petal turned out great. Think the lack of direct sun really help bring out the yellow and not wash it away.
Really just liked to colors on this one... the bright purple of the flower with the earthy yellow/green of the backdrop. It was actually tough getting a shot without a bee in it... they were all over these plants!
As great as the color is from a Cosmo petal on its sunny side, it looks almost more brilliant on the opposite side. Really like all the bright colors in this one, from the strong red/magenta of the petals, all the greens from foreground to background, and all the hints of yellow and purple in the backdrop.
Haven't shot a tiger lily in awhile, so thought I'd go back to them while they're still around. Just love all the yellow on this one, from the center of the flower to the backdrop. Love how the left petal seems to gradiate from white to purple just as it curls.
I've been meaning to shoot these flowers for a while now, but white flowers can be tough to shoot. Think these turned out pretty interesting with the purple spotted backdrop though.
Really think this one turned out pretty interesting. Was trying to show the stem run down towards the lefthand side, but it just about disappears by the time it reaches the ground. Think the neutral background helps achieve this... I'll try and get a more colorful shot tomorrow!
I took a shot of this type of flower a few days ago from the side, but wanted to get a shot of how colorful it really is. Love the yellow from the little 'poke-ies' on the center, especially with the pink petals.
Got a handful of shots of the roses out back, and wished I could have gotten some against the blue sky. Since they grow along the backside of the house, most are just simply not in a position to get behind, but this one was leaning out just enough that I could crouch down and find a bit of blue sky in between the neighbor's arborvitaes. Really like the orange and blue palette.
Although these these flowers look pretty neat from above, I thought this one looked interesting from the side... mainly because the petals seemed so out of line, and the green from the lucifer stalks made for a vibrant backdrop.
This one kind of turned out to be yesterday's shot in reverse... with the red bloom as the subject and purple in the back. Just love how the red stands out on the purple. Wish the Lucifer would have been a little crisper in front, but I love how the framing and the colors turned out, so it gets to be the winner today!